--- BEGIN of the Human-Rights Respectful Open Source License --- LICENSE/CONTRACT: NAME: HUMAN-RIGHTS RESPECTFUL OPEN SOURCE LICENSE/CONTRACT. Version(y-m-d) : 2020-11-13. AKA:"Human-Rights-ROSL","HR-ROSL". Copyright (C) 2020 Erik T. Ashfolk. (atErik-at-Ashfolk-dot-com) Copyright (C) 2020 Emde T. Ashfolk. (emde-at-Ashfolk-dot-com) THIS ITEM (This SHIDSP): Human-Rights Respectful Open Source License/Contract (HR-ROSL): A license to allow usage of opensource software,hardware,info, data,service,project,etc for Human-Rights respectful way. Copyright (C) 2020 Erik T. Ashfolk. (atErik-at-Ashfolk-dot-com) Copyright (C) 2020 Emde T. Ashfolk. (emde-at-Ashfolk-dot-com) This item released with HR-ROSL license version: 2020-11-13. Here SHIDSP="software,hardware,info,data,service,project,etc", CH="Copyright-Holders", LC="License-Creators", HR="Human-Rights", HR-ROSL="Human-Rights Respectful Open Source License/Contract". Redistribution and use of this item, (here item is pointing to above mentioned SHIDSP item under the "THIS ITEM" line/section), which is accompanying this license/contract in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that following ten sections of conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of this SHIDSP (software, source code, hardware, design, information, data, service, project, etc) must retain the above copyright notice, license/contract notice, and this list of ten sections of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, license/contract notice, and this list of ten sections of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution from this SHIDSP. 3. Modifications to this SHIDSP (software, source code, hardware, design, information, data, service, project, etc) must retain above copyright notice, license/contract notice, and this list of ten sections of conditions, and the following disclaimer, and may not include further conditions or licensing which go against the spirit of this license/contract. 4. This SHIDSP (software, source code, hardware, design, information, data, service, project, etc), under the HR-ROSL license/contract, must not be used to violate or abuse (any) HR (Human-Rights) of human individual,group,community,country or earth,etc either directly or indirectly in any form. This SHIDSP must not be used to violate or abuse HR or Human in any form in any physical location, written articles, media, video, broadcast, etc or in any form inside cyberspace/Internet. This SHIDSP license/contract is declaring/stating in early to you, user of this SHIDSP, that, you agree that, this SHIDSP must not be used to violate or abuse any human or human-rights even for "National Security" excuse/reason, As nothing, not even "National Security" order/decision, not even court or voted order/decision, whether done directly or indirectly, Can be above HR "Human Rights". Any type of voted/ordered decision to kill/abuse/violate others is invalid & not-acceptable, when you use this HR-ROSL license and this SHIDSP item. This SHIDSP license/contract is further declaring and stating in early to you: any result/decision from any voting, or any order or decision from any court, to override usage of this SHIDSP or SHIDSP content/data to violate/abuse any HR or human, is hereby declared null-and-void and invalid and illegal, and not-appilcable with/for this HR-ROSL license and this SHIDSP item. This license/contract clearly stating to you, you agree with this, that: a majority or a minority voted decision to kill, abuse, violate human-rights or human, either indirectly or directly, is inhumane and illegal and not-valid. 5. This SHIDSP (software, source code, hardware, design, information, data, service, project, etc) must not be used for stealing or collection of any data, digital or physical items (especially private items) in any form/way, and this SHIDSP must not be used to violate or abuse any privacy rights, of any human/person individual, group, organization, community, country or earth,etc either indirectly or directly in any form/way. This SHIDSP license/contract stating & declaring to you in early, and you also agree that, following claims are not-acceptable and invalid : any type of decision or declaration that, private type of items/data/devices/components are "public" type of items/data/ devices/components, after processing private data declaring it as "public" data, etc, declaring private data processing inside the private device/components was not possible, etc, and doing any such is are not acceptable for/with this SHIDSP's license/ contract or with HR-ROSL license/contract, doing any of those/ such is inhumane, illegal, not-valid, and done against the spirit of supporting/upholding HR (human-rights). You agree that, in cyber/digital world, human/person individual,group,community, country,earth,etc is/are represented with their presence by using combination of private & public items under their control : data, device,component,etc, among these, which are their private,owned, device,premise,etc items, those have similar rights as HR (human rights) in physical world. This SHIDSP must not be used for any type of cyber/digital,physical item/data stealing: spying, data collection, extra/meta data collection, etc. When every & each human/person individual,group,subject,etc and their cyber-world presence device,component,etc, which have come under the scope/ scan,etc of this SHIDSP item, and (when each) have authorized in written form, their fully aware and voluntary specific consent in prior, only then this SHIDSP can be used, if it does not violate/abuse HR (human-rights) of even a single other human/ person individual,group,subject,etc or their cyber-world presence device,data,component,etc. When there is a chance of even one human/person,subject,device,data,etc or even one of their cyber world presence evice,data,component,etc can come under the scope/ scan,etc of this SHIDSP, whose written permission is not yet obtained, then in such use cases, this SHIDSP cannot be used to collect/steal/store data. You agree that, by obtaining written permission(s) of few or most, you/user cannot begin to violate/ abuse HR (human-rights) of some others or even one other, so this SHIDSP clearly again stating & declaring to you in early, and you also agree that, you cannot use this SHIDSP for any such use case(s). CH cannot permit you to violate/abuse HR. This SHIDSP must not be used for any type of cyber/digital or physical jail: monitoring, tracking,etc, and conditions are same & already mentioned in above inside this section. You agree that this SHIDSP license/contract invalidates any type of (direct/indirect) permission to spy/steal/collect, and also invalidates (any type of permission) which was & is or will-be obtained from any type of non-public or public judge(s), representative, proxy, jury, court or vote,etc. This SHIDSP license/contract is declaring and stating to you in early, and you also agree that: any type of voting result or decision whether based on representative or proxy or directly from people, or any order/decision from any type of non-public or public court/judge, to use this SHIDSP for mass scale (data) stealing/collection, or even a narrow scale stealing/colection,etc are still HR (human-rights) violation and abuse, and any such decision/order is/are hereby declared null-and-void and illegal and invalid, for this HR-ROSL license and for this SHIDSP item and license. 6. This SDSP(software/data/service/project) must not be used by any Military or branches, Law Enforcement or branches, or by any service/items provider or supplier of/for Military or Law Enforcement. Unless specific written exception/permission is obtained from CH(copyright holders) of this SDSP. This SDSP is not-allowed to be used, even if you deceptively change: Military, offense, attack, kill, steal, violate,etc into "Defense", "Love", "Human-Rights", etc. 7. This SDSP (software/data/service/project) must not be used by any Human-Rights-violating-or-abusing = "HR-v-o-a" entity or person: HR-v-o-a Government(Gov), HR-v-o-a Gov branches, HR-v-o-a public offices, Gov/public funded HR-v-o-a individual, companies, groups, corporations, businesses, organizations,etc, any HR-v-o-a private individual, offices, companies, corporations, businesses, groups, organizations, etc Or any human/contractor person working in/for any of mentioned entities in this section. 8. This SDSP(software/data/service/project) license/contract stating and declaring to you in early, that, you are permitting this SDSP's CH(copyright-holders) and HR-ROSL (Human-Rights Respectful Open-Source License/Contract)'s LC(license-creators) to question & obtain answer+proof in prior from you and any other sources by any means, to find-out if there is/are record(s) or potential of this SDSP being used for any HR (human-rights) violation or abuse. This SDSP license/contract further stating to you : upon any report of HR violation or abuse by the user (you) of this SDSP or by this SDSP itself, this license/contract authorizes CH and LC to obtain detail usage information from you/ user of this SDSP, and also authorizes CH and LC to obtain related further information/proof from any other sources by any means, including obtaining any data which even if you have defined as type of "secret" data, etc and then these are to be used for realizing the level of HR violations & abuses & losses therein. You completely agree and permit CH and LC, that, any type of HR violation or abuse by you automatically removes all protection of all related data, including any type of "secret" data, and brings those under public and international sectors and under public scrutiny, to find-out details of HR violations and/ or abuses, to deter further HR abuses/violations. You agree, that, all data from any public money funded any type of Military, Governement,public,private,etc any office/branch/agency,etc is public data. This license/contract also permits CH & LC to seek compensation, remedy, etc related to HR violation & abuse(s). This license/contract permits CH and LC to terminate this license or contract, when CH decide(s) to do so at any time at CH's will, and only LC can override CH's decision(s). This license/contract also stating and declaring to you in early, that, especially after above mentioned (violation/abuse) incidents, CH and LC of this SDSP are automatically authorized again to investigate further and proceed to international or public court, even if you fail or succeed in providing detail data,etc. This SDSP license/ contract allows CH and LC to proceed in court by themselves, or by choosing thier nominated/representative team/individual/lawyer in court. This SDSP license/contract is further declaring and stating to you in early : any decision or order from any type of "secret" or non-public nature of court(s), judge/jury, proxy, representative or vote, is hereby declared invalid and null-and void, from overriding any prceedings into international or public court. Any HR violation/abuse must be resolved publicly, so that even coercion/corruption can become public knowledge. HR abuse, violation,allegations,etc proving,case,discussion,etc cannot be done in any type of non-public court, as that is also a violation of Human-Rights. This license/contract also stating you/user of this SDSP : upon HR violation/abuse report/incident, CH and LC at their/his/her will can also publish publicly what HR violation/ abuse has occurred, and what steps are taken to solve. 9. If you do not agree with these all ten sections of conditions of HR-ROSL (Human-Rights Respectful Open-Source License/Contract) mentioned by this SHIDSP (software/hardware/info/data/service/ project,etc), then you cannot use this SHIDSP in any form or way directly or indirectly. You are free to choose any other choice/ license/software. This SHIDSP has shown these conditions at every stage in beginning or top, or agreement was/is obtained with "yes/no". Any type of usage of this SHIDSP grants this SHIDSP CH(copyright-holders) and HR-LC (HR-ROSL license/contract creators) your full consent of your full acceptance & agreements, with all ten sections of conditions and terms specified inside these sections in this SHIDSP license/contract. 10. This license/contract's CH (copyright-holders) and HR-LC (HR-ROSL license/contract creators) will make every attempts and efforts to avoid any and all type HR ("Human-Rights") violations/ abuses, related to where this SHIDSP is used and who is using this SHIDSP, etc. So, please, do not use this SHIDSP, if you cannot uphold or honour or follow all HR. If you use this SHIDSP please make sure you are honoring & upholding all HR to your best ability and effort : all international HR constitution(s) and convention(s), and local HR constitution(s) when local HR constitution(s) are not-violating, not-abusing, not-overriding international HR constitution(s)/convention(s) agreement(s). This SHIDSP license/contract is stating to you in early, and you also agree completely that : this SHIDSP's CH(copyright-holders) can team up with this SHIDSP's HR-ROSL LC (license-creators) and lawyers, and representatives, for anything related to these ten sections of conditions specified in this license/contract. This SHIDSP's LC(license/contract-creator), that is: HR-ROSL license creators(LC), can deny/permit, invalidate/approve and override, etc all aspect of this SHIDSP license/contract any time based on their decision/choice(s), in accordance with ten sections of conditions specified in HR-ROSL license/contract and in this SHIDSP's license/contract. As this SHIDSP's license/contract is in turn based on HR-ROSL license/contract, so CH and any users of this SHIDSP are also agreeing and in full agreement, that they/he she/it agree(s) with all ten sections of conditions of HR-ROSL license/contract and this SHIDSP's license/contract. HR-ROSL license/contract creators are granted all the permissions, etc which are granted & specified here and earlier sections for this SHIDSP's CH(copyright-holders). And LC (HR-ROSL license/contract creators) are also granted those extra permissions, which are needed/necessary/required for stopping Human-Rights violation and abuse, and to stop usage of this SHIDSP/item, and to stop usage of this HR-ROSL license/contract. DISCLAIMER: THIS ITEM/SHIDSP(SOFTWARE/HARDWARE/INFO/DATA/SERVICE/ PROJECT),ETC FOR THIS ITEM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS, AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER, AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS OR ORIGINAL LICENSE "HUMAN-RIGHTS-ROSL"/"HR-ROSL" (HUMAN-RIGHTS RESPECTFUL OPEN-SOURCE LICENSE) CREATORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, MONEY, POSSESSIONS, OR LIFE; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ITEM/SHIDSP, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --- END of the Human-Rights Respectful Open Source License --- Human-Rights Respectful Open Source License/Contract, is also-known-as "HumanRightsROSL", or, HR-ROSL. HR-ROSL LICENSE/CONTRACT's Author: Erik T. Ashfolk. atErik -at- Ashfolk -dot- com. Author: Emde T. Ashfolk. emde -at- Ashfolk -dot- com. Copyright (C) 2020 Erik T. Ashfolk. (atErik-at-Ashfolk-dot-com) Copyright (C) 2020 Emde T. Ashfolk. (emde-at-Ashfolk-dot-com) Permission is granted to copy, redistribute this Human-Rights Respectful Open Source License (HR-ROSL), in accordance with HR-ROSL license/contract conditions detailed in above, without breaking the original spirit of this license. Permission granted to modify topside "THIS ITEM" section, in accordance with HR-ROSL license/contract conditions detailed in above, without breaking the original spirit of this license, to use it as a license/contract for your SHIDSP (software/ hardware/information/data/service/project),etc item(s). Notes: Clause 1 and 2 come from the BSD 2-Clause license. Clause 3 is meant to ensure that the SDSP continues to be open and available to the public. Clause 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 are: "No Harmful Use", "Not Allowed To Use For Stealing of Private Cyber/Physcial Items", "Not Allowed To Use For Violating Any Human-Rights", "No Military Use", "Not Allowed To Use In HumanRights Violating or Abusing Office/Business", "When/After Violation Occured", "Termination Of License/Contract", etc clause(s). The disclaimer is adapted from the BSD 2-Clause license. For more info on this license, visit: https://github.com/atErik/HumanRightsROSL/ https://atErik.github.io/HumanRightsROSL/ https://github.com/atErik/HumanRightsROSL/blob/main/HumanRightsROSL.txt https://atErik.github.io/HumanRightsROSL/HumanRightsROSL.txt Edit Note : When editing, edit both/all of these: license date is mentioned in TWO places. section count is mentioned multiple times+places, so find & edit all. Copyright (C) 2020 Erik T. Ashfolk.