--- BEGIN the Peaceful Open Source License --- Transpiler.And.Similar.List : List of transpilers, transcompilers, decompilers, compilers, etc. Copyright (C) 2020 Erik T. Ashfolk (atErik at ashfolk dot com). Redistribution and use of this "SDSP", where SDSP is pointing to this software/data/service/project, accompanying this license/contract in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following ten conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of this SDSP (software, source code, data, service from this project) must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution from this SDSP (software/data/service/project). 3. Modifications to this SDSP (software, source code, data, service from this project) must retain above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer, and may not include further conditions or licensing which go against the spirit of this license. 4. Here we are using "HR" = Human-Rights. "CH" = Copyright-Holder(s). This SDSP (software/data/service/project) must not be used to violate or abuse (any) HR, either directly or indirectly in any form. This SDSP must not be used to violate or abuse HR in any form in any physical location, written articles, media, broadcast, video, etc or in any form inside cyberspace/Internet. This SDSP license/contract is declaring/stating in early to you, user of this SDSP, that, this SDSP must not be used to violate or abuse any human-rights even for "National Security" excuse/reason : As nothing (not even "National Security" or court order/decision or voted decision) can be above "Human-Rights". This SDSP license/ contract is further declaring and stating in early to you : any result/decision from any voting, or any order or decision from any court, to override usage of this SDSP or SDSP content to violate/abuse HR, is hereby declared null-and-void and illegal. 5. This SDSP(software/data/service/project) must not be used to cause deliberate harm to any human individual,group,community or country either directly or indirectly, in any form. 6. This SDSP(software/data/service/project) must not be used for stealing any data or physical items, and this SDSP must not be used to violate or abuse any privacy rights, of any human group, individual, community, country or earth, either indirectly or directly in any form. This SDSP must not be used for any type of stealing: spying, data collection, etc, without first obtaining written fully aware and voluntary specific consent from each individual, person, groups, subjects,etc, and also not without obtaining prior permission from this SDSP CH(copyright-holders). This must not be used for any type of digital (or physical) jail: monitoring, tracking,etc not-without obtaining permission from each subject's written fully-aware and voluntary consent, and also not-without obtaining prior permission from this SDSP CH. This SDSP license/contract invalidates any permission to spy/ steal/collect which is (or will-be) obtained from any judge(s), proxy, jury, court or vote, etc. To obtain exception/permission from CH of this SDSP, CH must be provided proof of real voluntary consented permission directly from each subject, and such must not violate/abuse HR (human-rights). This SDSP license/contract is declaring and stating to you in early, that, any type of voting result/decision or any court or judge's any order/decision to use this SDSP for mass scale (data) stealing/collection, etc are still violation and abuse of HR and any such decision/order is/are hereby declared null-and-void and illegal. 7. This SDSP(software/data/service/project) must not be used by any Military or branches, Law Enforcement or branches, or by any service/items provider or supplier of/for Military or Law Enforcement. Unless specific written exception/permission is obtained from CH(copyright holders) of this SDSP. 8. This SDSP (software/data/service/project) must not be used by any Human-Rights-violating-or-abusing = "HR-v-o-a" entity or person: HR-v-o-a Government(Gov), HR-v-o-a Gov branches, HR-v-o-a public offices, Gov/public funded HR-v-o-a individual, companies, groups, corporations, businesses, organizations, etc, any HR-v-o-a private individual, offices, companies, corporations, businesses, groups, organizations, etc Or any human/contractor person working in/for any of mentioned entities in this section. 9. This SDSP(software/data/service/project) license/contract stating and declaring to you in early, that, you are permitting this SDSP CH(copyright holders) to question & obtain answer+proof from you and other sources, to find-out if this SDSP can be used for any violation or abuse of HR (human-rights). This SDSP license/ contract further stating: upon any report of HR violation or abuse by the user of this SDSP or by this SDSP itself, this license/ contract authorizes CH to obtain detail usage information from you/user of this SDSP, and also authorizes CH to obtain further related information/proof from any other sources by any means, including obtaining any data which even if you have defined as type of "secret" data, etc and then these are to be used for realizing the level of HR violations and abuses and losses therein. You completelt agree & permit, that any type of HR violation or abuse by you automatically removes all protection of all related data, including any type of "secret" data, and brings those under public & international sector and scrutiny, to find-out detail of HR violations/abuses, to deter HR abuses/ violations. This license/contract also permits CH to seek compensation, remedy, etc. This license/contract permits CH to terminate this license/contract, when CH decide(s) to do so at any time at CH's will. This license/contract also stating and declaring to you in early, especially after above mentioned incidents, CH of this SDSP are automatically authorized to investigate and proceed to international or public court, even if you fail or succeed in providing detail data. This SDSP license/contract is further declaring and stating to you in early: any decision or order from any type of "secret" or non-public nature of court(s), judge/jury, proxy or vote, is hereby declared invalid and null-and-void, from overriding any prceedings into international or public court. Any HR violation/ abuse must be resolved publicly, so that, even coersion/corruption can become public knowledge. This license/contract also stating you/user of this SDSP: upon HR violation/abuse report/incident, CH at their/his/her will can also publish publicly what HR abuse/ violation has occurred, and what steps are taken to solve. 10. If you do not agree with these above conditions, then you cannot use this SDSP(software/data/service/project) in any form directly or indirectly, and you are free & welcome to choose any other software/choice. This SDSP has shown these conditions at every stage in top or in beginning or agreement is obtained with yes/no. Any usage of this SDSP grants this SDSP CH(copyright holders) your full consent of your full acceptance & agreements of above all (including this condition number ten) conditions and terms and contract, specified in this SDSP license & contract. This license/contract will make every attempts & efforts to avoid any and all type HR("Human-Rights") violations/abuses (related to where this SDSP is used, and who is using this SDSP, etc), So please do not use this SDSP, if you cannot uphold or honour all HR. DISCLAIMER : THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS", AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER, AUTHORS, OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, MONEY, POSSESSIONS, OR LIFE; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. License version (yyyy-mm-dd): 2020-11-01. --- END of the Peaceful Open Source License --- Peaceful Open Source License ia also known as "PeaceOSL". Author: Linkesh Diwan. Link -at- WiseEarthTechnology -dot- com. Author: Erik T. Ashfolk. atErik -at- Ashfolk -dot- com. Copyright (c) 2013, Wise Earth Publishers. Copyright (c) 2020, Erik T. Ashfolk. Permission is granted to modify, copy, and redistribute this license in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY), without breaking the original spirit of this license. CC license is here: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Notes: Clause 1 and 2 come from the BSD 2-Clause license. Clause 3 is meant to ensure that the project continues to be open and available to the public. Clause 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 are: "No Harmful Use", "Not Allowed To Use For Stealing of Private Cyber/Physcial Items", "Not Allowed To Use For Violating Any Human-Rights", "No Military Use", "Not Allowed To Use In Corrupt Office/Business", "Handle Situation After Violation Occured", "Termination Of License/Contract", etc clause(s). The disclaimer is adapted from the BSD 2-Clause license. The 2013 "Peaceful Open Source License" ("PeaceOSL") authored by Linkesh Diwan of WiseEarthPublishers, was modified by Erik T. Ashfolk, and new Lic version # is v2020-10-30. For using with "Transpiler.And.Similar.List" project. https://github.com/atErik/Transpiler.and.similar.List/License_PeaceOSL_for_TranspilerList.txt The 2013 "Peaceful Open Source License" ("PeaceOSL") is published by Wise Earth Publishers: www.WiseEarthPublishers.com and www.WiseEarthTechnologies.com The 2013 "PeaceOSL" License is available from here: http://WiseEarthPublishers.com/products/peaceful-open-source-license or, from here: https://github.com/WiseEarthTechnology/CrisisCommunicator/blob/master/PeaceOSL.txt The logo symbolizes that Peace is a function, a journey, a path. 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